Monday, August 15, 2016

XITSAP1 Export SAP Vendor table to Excel

This is another variant of XITSAP1 - SAP table exporter to Excel for Vendor table (LFA1).


You can download the file here: XITSAP1_v01r_GET_VENDOR.xls

SAP Vendor Table

SAP vendor table used to extract this information is LFA1. You can find the table definition here:

How to Use

1. Fill in the system and credential information

2. Fill in vendor condition to filter the result

3. Change the number of record to be retrieved

4. Read the Table

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

XITSAP1 - Export SAP Customer Table to Excel

Business users has different concerns with programmer. Hence XITSAP1 is modified a little bit to be more appealing to business users.

XITSAP1 - Customer

This version of XITSAP1 is dedicated to extract Customer table and displays only a few of selected fields.




To customize the extraction, on sheet TABLEDEF user can change the "Include Y/N" column. Set it to "Y" if you want to export the field, and then click "Refresh Definition" button. The fields will be refreshed.

Condition and Filter

On this XITSAP1 version, user can define export condition. There are three additional rows on top of result table: Operator, Filter, and Comparison. 
1. Operator can be 'AND' or 'OR'
2. Filter is the value of the field
3. Comparison the the comparison operator, for example 'EQ' for equal, 'GE' for greater than and equal, 'LIKE', etc.

Note the wildcards for LIKE comparison is '%' (not '*' asterisk).

Sunday, August 7, 2016

XITSAP1 - Source Code

XITSAP1 is a tool running as Excel macro enabled worksheet that able to retrieve any data from SAP table using SAP standard RFC RFC_READ_TABLE.

You can download the ready to use XITSAP1 file here:

You can find the source code here.
Or if you want to get the latest version of the macro get it on github:

There are a few enhancement that I can think of, such as:
  • Workaround for 512 bytes limitation
  • Search condition parameter
  • Integration with for source of SAP table definition
  • Improve XITSAP1 to be more business user friendly 
  • Multi table retrieval
Share your thoughts, and we will see how it goes.


Sunday, July 31, 2016

Excel SAP tool

I need to analyze SAP data using Excel. One of the way to get the data into Excel is using RFC call to RFC_READ_TABLE. There are a few example on the net, however I could not find one suit my need. So here it is, Excel with VBA macro call ready to use.


This tool can retrieve content of SAP table directly using RFC call.

XITSAP1 is a tool to download records from any SAP tables.

Excel SAP Interface macro RFC READ TABLE Input

Excel SAP Interface macro RFC READ TABLE definition SE11

Excel SAP Interface macro RFC READ TABLE retrieved records result


Get the file: XITSAP1_v01r_RFC_READ_TABLE.xls (zip)


  • Download SAP tables directly into Excel
  • User can specify any tables to retrieve
  • User can specify which fields to retrieve (planned in future development)
  • User can specify condition of records to select (planned in future development)

Usage example

  1. Download and open the file
  2. Fill in SAP System connection parameters
  3. Specify SAP Table name
  4. Click Get Definition
  5. Specify which field and what condition to retrieve
  6. Click Read Table